“June Rapture In the Stars” – Reviewing Barry Awe’s Lunar Sabbath Model

Celestial Day Counts - Pentecost “You shall count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering.  You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath.  (Leviticus 23:15-16) I'm going to give a clear day count, based on Barry Awe's … Continue reading “June Rapture In the Stars” – Reviewing Barry Awe’s Lunar Sabbath Model

Let’s Work Together! Pentecost 2020 – Is It Over Yet?

Ok you guys, let's cooperate!  In my previous article Chasing Pentecost 2020, I went through calculations to determine Pentecost based on the Sadduccees (May 31, 2020 - 8 Sivan), Pharisees (May 29, 2020 - 6 Sivan), Essenes (June 7, 2020 - 15 Sivan), and Karaites (May 31, 2020 - 8 Sivan).   I explained that based … Continue reading Let’s Work Together! Pentecost 2020 – Is It Over Yet?