“June Rapture In the Stars” – Reviewing Barry Awe’s Lunar Sabbath Model

Celestial Day Counts – Pentecost

“You shall count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering.  You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath.  (Leviticus 23:15-16)

I’m going to give a clear day count, based on Barry Awe’s “June Rapture in the Stars” model.  Then we will have a little discussion about our findings.  I encourage you to verify these dates and alignments in a program such as Stellarium, Starry Night, or others, as well as at Renewed Moon.  I welcome feedback, as it is difficult to wrap my head around all the different calendars playing out at once.  Some notes before we begin:

  • Remember that on the Hebrew calendar, the days start at sunset and end at sunset.  I have thus listed the gregorian days as two dates – the “day” starts the evening of the first date and ends the evening on the second date.
  • All my times/days/moon phases etc. are based off Jerusalem, Israel.  (+3 UTC)
  • Sighting of the first sliver of the renewed moon is tracked by the observation of witnesses on the site Renewed Moon.  We will use this site to confirm what is being visualized in Stellarium.
  • We can confirm the first day of the month in retrospect by when the Full Moon occurs.  Using a lunar calendar, the full moon will always fall on the 14th day of the month (moonth).  We can use several sites to confirm sunset times, full moons, new moons, and a number of other neat things.  Note that even these have a few hours of variance!  I will use the 2 linked below, and list both days/times.
  • Lunar Calendar for Jerusalem, Israel 2020 (Time Hub Zone)
  • Moon Phases for Jerusalem, Israel 2020 (Time and Date)
  • I’m going to use days 7, 14, 21, and 28 as sabbaths, based on the creation week – this is what Barry Awe uses in his model.
  • I’m going to count the Omer on the “dark moon” days.  Barry paused his omer counts on those days, but I see no reason for doing so.  When counting Jesus’ 40 days of appearing to His followers before His ascension, we see that these days must be counted on the “dark days” too.
  • Renewed Moon sighting was reported by 2 witnesses in Israel on the evening of March 25 (March 26 Hebrew calendar time); Literal Barley crop sample confirmed “abib” on March 26; Per Barry Awe – the star Spica (Abib) seen rising the evening of March 26 (considered March 27 Hebrew time after sundown).
  • Based on these evidences, it would seem Nisan 1 would be possibly March 25/26 (Renewed Moon) or March 26/27 (per Barry Awe).
  • I will use Barry’s dates here, but keep in mind that the Gregorian calendar dates could be shifted backwards by one day.  I will remind you of this at the end!

Start of the New Year:  Nisan 1 – March 26/27 

  • March 27/28 – 2 Nisan
  • March 28/29 – 3 Nisan
  • March 29/30 – 4 Nisan
  • March 30/31- 5 Nisan
  • March 31/April 1 – 6 Nisan
  • April 1/2 – 7 Nisan  ** Lunar Sabbath
  • April 2/3 – 8 Nisan
  • April 3/4- 9 Nisan
  • April 4/5 – 10 Nisan
  • April 5/6 – 11 Nisan
  • April 6/7 – 12 Nisan
  • April 7/8 – 13 Nisan  ** FULL MOON April 7 11:35pm / April 8 5:35am **

“These are the appointed feasts of the Lord, the holy convocations, which you shall proclaim at the time appointed for them.  In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at twilight, is the Lord’s Passover.  And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the Lord; for seven days you shall eat unleavened bread.  On the first day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall not do any ordinary work.  But you shall present a food offering to the Lord for seven days. On the seventh day is a holy convocation; you shall not do any ordinary work.”  (Leviticus 23:4-8)

Passover: April 8/9 – 14 Nisan – Jesus dies ~3pm  – Lunar Sabbath  (moon continues to be full this day)

  • Homework – can anyone verify the Lamb constellation enters “grave” of the earth during the night at this time?  Is the moon in the constellation “scales”?  Are these reliable signs?
  • NOTE: This is called “preparation day” for the holy day of unleavened bread.  It would also be a lunar sabbath.  I’m not sure if that causes issue or not – we should examine this.
  • Note: “twilight” comes *after* sunset, this can be followed at timeanddate.com.  My current understanding is that Jesus celebrated Passover at the very beginning of 14 Nisan, at twilight.  That night (still 14 Nisan) He was taken captive, tried, and then in the afternoon (still 14 Nisan) He was crucified.  Clarification on this is welcome!

Unleavened Bread begins: April 9/10 – 15 Nisan

  • Homework – can anyone verify the Lamb constellation enters “grave” of the earth again during the night?  Where is the moon?
  • NOTE: using a conventional calendar model, the first day of unleavened bread generally does NOT fall on a sabbath.  Leviticus 23 tells us that 15 Nisan is a sabbath – thus, it is called a “high holy day” or additional sabbath in the conventional model.  I find this interesting, as using a lunar sabbath model, this day would always be a sabbath.

Unleavened Bread day 2:  April 10/11- 16 Nisan

  • Homework – can anyone verify the Lamb constellation enters “grave” of the earth again during the night?  Where is the moon?

Resurrection: April 11/12 – 17 Nisan – Appears Day 1 – Unleavened Bread Day 3

  • Homework – Do the constellations indicate a resurrection on this day?  In Barry Awe’s videos, on April 11 he indicates that the moon rises “as a champion”.  Is this so?

Let’s do a time in the grave check:

    • 14 Nisan 3pm – partial day 1 (approximately 4 hours)
    • 15 Nisan 24 hours – full day, full night
    • 16 Nisan 24 hours – full day, full night
    • 17 Nisan – partial night, rises at some point during this night

Total – 2 full days, 2 full nights, 1 partial day, 1 partial night; in Hebrew tradition this would count as “3 days and 3 nights”

Unleavened Bread Day 4: April 12/13 – 18 Nisan – Appears Day 2

Unleavened Bread Day 5:  April 13/14 – 19 Nisan – Appears Day 3

Unleavened Bread Day 6:  April 14/15 – 20 Nisan – Appears Day 4

Unleavened Bread Day 7: April 15/16 – 21 Nisan – Appears Day 5 – Holy Convocation ** Lunar Sabbath

Morrow After Sabbath/ FIRSTFRUITS: April 16/17 – 22 Nisan – Appears Day 6 – Omer 1

  • April 17/18 – 23 Nisan – Appears Day 7 – Omer 2
  • April 18/19 – 24 Nisan – Appears Day 8 – Omer 3
  • April 19/20 – 25 Nisan – Appears Day 9 – Omer 4
  • April 20/21 – 26 Nisan – Appears Day 10 – Omer 5
  • April 21/22 – 27 Nisan – Appears Day 11 – Omer 6

Sabbath 1:  April 22/23 – 28 Nisan – Appears Day 12 – Omer 7 – sun and moon in conjunction, New moon begins

  • April 23/24 – 29 Nisan – Appears Day 13 – Omer 8

New Moonth: April 24/25 – 1 Iyyar – Appears Day 14 – Omer 9

  • April 25/26 – 2 Iyyar – Appears Day 15 – Omer 10
  • April 26/27 – 3 Iyyar – Appears Day 16 – Omer 11
  • April 27/28 – 4 Iyyar – Appears Day 17 – Omer 12
  • April 28/29 – 5 Iyyar – Appears Day 18 – Omer 13
  • April 29/30 – 6 Iyyar – Appears Day 19 – Omer 14

Sabbath 2:  April 30/May 1 – 7 Iyyar – Appears Day 20 – Omer 15

  • May 1/2 – 8 Iyyar – Appears Day 21- Omer 16
  • May 2/3 – 9 Iyyar – Appears Day 22 – Omer 17
  • May 3/4 – 10 Iyyar – Appears Day 23 – Omer 18
  • May 4/5 – 11 Iyyar – Appears Day 24 – Omer 19
  • May 5/6 – 12 Iyyar – Appears Day 25 – Omer 20
  • May 6/7 – 13 Iyyar – Appears Day 26 – Omer 21  ** Full Moon May 7 7:45am / 1:45pm

Sabbath 3:  May 7/8 – 14 Iyyar – Appears Day 27 – Omer 22

  • May 8/9 -15 Iyyar – Appears Day 28 – Omer 23
  • May 9/10 – 16 Iyyar – Appears Day 29 – Omer 24
  • May 10/11 – 17 Iyyar – Appears Day 30 – Omer 25
  • May 11/12 – 18 Iyyar – Appears Day 31 – Omer 26
  • May 12/13 – 19 Iyyar – Appears Day 32 – Omer 27
  • May 13/14 – 20 Iyyar – Appears Day 33- Omer 28

Sabbath 4:  May 14/15 – 21 Iyyar – Appears Day 34 – Omer 29

  • May 15/16 – 22 Iyyar – Appears Day 35 – Omer 30
  • May 16/17 – 23 Iyyar – Appears Day 36 – Omer 31
  • May 17/18 – 24 Iyyar – Appears Day 37 – Omer 32
  • May 18/19 – 25 Iyyar – Appears Day 38 – Omer 33
  • May 19/20 – 26 Iyyar – Appears Day 39 – Omer 34
  • May 20/21 – 27 Iyyar – Appears Day 40 – Omer 35

Sabbath 5:  May 21/22 – 28 Iyyar – Omer 36 – NEW MOON BEGINS – Jesus’ Ascension  on a Sabbath (40 days of appearing completed) 

This is where I explain why I continue to count the Omer on “dark days”.  We know from Acts 1 that Jesus appears to His followers for 40 days following His ascension, and then in “not many days from now” Pentecost occurs.  Using the Gregorian calendar, Firstfruits is always placed on a Sunday.  Starting a 40 day count on a Sunday will always land on a Thursday.  How then do we explain the final verse in this passage?  I suggest it is normally ignored, since it doesn’t fit with our traditional calculations.

In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, until the day when he was taken up, after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.  He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.

And while staying with them he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, “you heard from me;  for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.

So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?”  He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”  And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.  And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes,  and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”  Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey away.

(Acts 1:1-12)

My friends, if we count 40 days from Jesus’ ascension using this celestial calendar, we land on a Sabbath – exactly as Acts 1:12 is saying.  I think this is another “grain of salt” to consider!

  • May 22/23 –  29 Iyyar – Omer 36

New Moonth: May 23/24 – 1 Sivan – Omer 37

  • May 24/25 – 2 Sivan – Omer 38
  • May 25/26 – 3 Sivan – Omer 39
  • May 26/27 – 4 Sivan – Omer 40
  • May 27/28 – 5 Sivan – Omer 41
  • May 28/29 – 6 Sivan – Omer 42

Sabbath 6:  May 29/30 – 7 Sivan – Omer 43

  • May 30/31 – 8 Sivan – Omer 44
  • May 31/June 1 – 9 Sivan – Omer 45
  • June 1/2 – 10 Sivan – Omer 46
  • June 2/3 – 11 Sivan – Omer 47
  • June 3/4 – 12 Sivan – Omer 48
  • June 4/5 – 13 Sivan – Omer 49

Sabbath 7: June 5/6 – 14 Sivan – Omer 50 – **Full Moon June 5 4:12pm / 10:12pm

Morrow After the 7th Sabbath: June 6/7 – 15 Sivan – PENTECOST

Several interesting things of note:

  • The Full Moon (100% illumination) is seen for TWO CONSECUTIVE DAYS in June, instead of just one.  The next full moon won’t be until August.
  • The full moon in June is called a STRAWBERRY MOON and is BLOOD RED.  This is not unusual, each month has a full moon with a special name and color, and red does repeat – it’s just I find it interesting in light of the “blood moon prophecy”.
  • There will be a penumbral lunar eclipse overnight between June 5-6, lasting for 3 hours.  This will be visible in Israel and the eastern side of the world.  (We won’t see the eclipse in North America).
  • Using these day counts above, Pentecost would fall on June 6/7.
  • Remember how I told you that based on the sighting of the first sliver of moon in Jerusalem confirmed by Renewed Moon could shift the Gregorian dates all back by one day?  The full moons, as confirmed by 2 sites, also would allow for this date shift.  If we did so, Pentecost would fall on June 5/6.  The Hebrew dates listed would remain unchanged.
  • The full moon will occur from 4:12pm June 5 and extend to June 7, Jerusalem time.  This encompasses BOTH methods of day counts this year – how convenient!

To incorporate both possible day counts, *high watch* for Pentecost would start at sundown June 5 (7:42pm) and end at sundown June 7 (7:42pm), Jerusalem time.  To correct for your own time zone, understand that Jerusalem is +3 UTC.  Link to converter.  Several common zones I get asked about:

MDT/CST: 10:42am June 5 to 10:42am June 7

EDT: 12:42pm June 5 to 12:42pm June 7


I would suggest that scripture clearly supports the use of a celestial calendar for appointed times, seasons, days, months, and years.  What isn’t as clear, is if we can also use it for Sabbaths.  Why is this important to research?

The calendar that results in a June 6 Pentecost date uses a lunar Sabbath model.  Barry Awe is using a lunar Sabbath model in his videos.

Critical Analysis – Lunar Sabbaths (“Moonths”)

Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work. It is a Sabbath to the Lord in all your dwelling places.  (Leviticus 23:3)

Question: Is the lunar sabbath model biblical?

Barry Awe’s counting method in his videos is not new – it is known as the “lunar sabbath” model.  A quick review of the lunar sabbath poses some possible inconsistencies with scripture.  To understand if we should consider the model, we need to be willing to examine its’ criticisms.

There is some variance within the model, but the most consistent focuses on Sabbath days 8, 15, 22, 29.

When studying the Sabbath, the best place to start is in the Beginning, when God established the Sabbath. It is important to notice that the Sun, Moon, and Stars were not even created until the 4th day, so we are already running into some problems with this theory that the Sabbath is based on the moon phases. However, as we examine it even closer, we see that God rested on the 7th day, but the Lunar Sabbath calendar says the 8th day of the month is the Sabbath. God would have had to skip day 1, and began creating on day 2 for this to work according to the Lunar Sabbath theory.  (from: Lunar Sabbath Deception)

Barry Awe uses Sabbath days 7, 14, 21, 28.  I cannot find any articles to support either method, but it would seem most accurate to use days 7, 14, 21, and 28 based on the creation week.  We absolutely know from scripture that the 7th day of the creation week was a day of rest.

Let’s examine the other main criticism!  In the Lunar Sabbath model, the last sliver of moon is generally seen on the 28th day of the month, and one, two, or three “dark” days follow.  The new month (“moonth”) begins with the first sliver of moon – confirmed by two witnesses.  The main issue which seems to contradict scripture is that at the end of every month there will be a week with more than 7 days in it.  Thus, either extra “work” days or extra “rest” days must be inserted.  In scripture there are examples of people doing work on new moons, and no examples of a week with more than 7 days.  Is it possible that God has told us to have a week every month that doesn’t end with a 7th day of rest???  I think we need to explore this issue before we can determine the validity of using the lunar sabbath model.

I will list resources here as they are given to me – keep in mind that these quite possibly will be Torah-observant or orthodox Jewish resources.  As such, please do not rely on these sites for teaching on the Christian faith.  These sites all seem unanimous in their conclusion that the Lunar Sabbath model is *not* biblical.  This doesn’t mean that it’s wrong, necessarily, but it does mean we should examine their arguments against it.

Critical Analysis – The Feast of Firstfruits

In the lunar calendar model, as well as in the Essenes calculation model, the Resurrection of Christ occurs a number of days before the literal Feast of Firstfruits.  Generally, we are looking for Jesus to bodily and personally fulfill all 7 Feasts of the Lord.  Thus, I consider the determination of FirstFruits a major stumbling block to both the Essenes and Lunar Sabbath models.

Critical Support – Jesus’ Ascension right before a Sabbath

Lest you begin to think everything points against a lunar Sabbath model, it doesn’t.  This model is the only one which results in Jesus’ Ascension on day 40 being right before a (lunar) Sabbath, so that the disciples can make a “Sabbath journey” to Jerusalem right after (Acts 1).

Critical Support – Pentecost on a Full Moon

Since the Feast of Pentecost is the only one not given a specific calendar date, it must always be calculated.  The lunar Sabbath model seems to be the only model which will consistently place Pentecost on a full moon.  Is there scripture that supports Pentecost occurring on a full moon?  Well, not exactly.  If you have studied my interpretation model, I believe the rapture occurs immediately before or alongside the dramatic releasing of all 7 seals off the scroll of judgement seen by the prophet Daniel.  Each seal is currently restraining something, and upon its’ release, there is a specific effect seen.  The release of seal 6 results in the entire (full) moon being turned blood red.  Now, I do think that atmospheric conditions will come into play – likely from volcanic ash – but the moon does appear to be “full”.  I don’t believe that the rapture MUST occur on a full moon, but it does seem to occur shortly before one, with a “full blood moon” appearing during or shortly after.  So as far as my interpretation of a rapture model goes, I find Pentecost on a full moon to be a very interesting connection.

Barry Awe – June Rapture in the Stars?

I will quickly review Barry Awe’s, “Gospel in the Stars”, here.  I watched Parts 6.25, 6.5, 6.75 and would recommend this series to consider. Although he has more videos available, I think these 3 likely cover everything fairly well.  A note of precaution – Barry suggests that the rapture of the church *will* occur on June 6 in a number of his videos.  In several others, he has clarified that many things seem to point to this date, and while he is almost completely certain, there is a small chance it will not happen on this day.

As I have mentioned above, we should never state that a date will for certain be the day of the rapture, but we can certainly consider *high watches*.  I do not agree with a few other things that Barry says, but I encourage you to watch with discernment.  “Chew the meat and spit out the bones” as they say…

6.25 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwA3g-wXDrs
6.5 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkWc-L1t8OY
6.75 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKxVMSebUFQ

I took copious notes and I won’t type those all up here. What I want to give is a brief overview and review.  First, Barry gives conflicting dates (+/- up to 2 days) in his videos.  I definitely understand the confusion with the Hebrew calendar, but it is important that you note that there is some margin of error in the dates he gives of up to 2 days either direction at some points.  This is why I have used other sources to verify the alignments he mentions, and wrote them all out above.  I would encourage you to verify this for yourself in Stellarium, Renewed Moon, and Time and Date.

Barry’s presentation of the gospel in the stars is, as far as I understand it, accurate. I am not super well versed in the constellations, but the overview was very easy to understand. It agrees with other presentations I have read/seen on the subject and in Stellarium which I was viewing in 2017 . For those who would like to go more in depth, this is probably a good place from which to springboard.  (If we have time!)

Here are a few of my notes:

  • He makes an interesting presentation for the lunar sabbath model
  • The astronomical alignment with how to begin the new year (Nisan) is also compelling.  When using a “renewed moon” model, these will agree by definition.
  • I disagree that the actual barley isn’t relevant, because the celebration of FirstFruits did require a literal firstfruits offering of the crops.
  • Using a celestial calendar confirmation would likely be in agreement with literal crops.
  • What Barry doesn’t take into consideration is that while the celestial calendar is unchanging, post flood our earth’s rotation DID change. So in order to keep the crops cycling properly for the feast offerings, corrections would need to be made (such as the leap month of Adar 2). This would keep the star Spica (Abib) in agreement with the barley crop Abib.
  • I believe that preflood and post rapture the earth will go back to literal 360 day year rotations and thus again coordinate perfectly with the celestial calendar.  As far as calculating Passover and Pentecost this year, this doesn’t really come into play as they are in agreement currently (the barley crop was literally abib when Abib Spica was in alignment with the sun).   I mention it solely because it DOES come into play with YEAR counts.
  • Barry’s date and day counts are based on his videos and images from Stellarium.  His time stamp is set for varying times.  This is actually unfortunate, as it would be easier to count the days if it were set to after midnight on the Gregorian calendar because of how the Hebrew calendar works.
  • In Barry’s date stamp, it is sometimes actually already the next day, so to speak.
  • Barry *skips* omer counts on the new moon dark days.  I’m not sure that I see the rationale for that, so I am trying day counts both with and without skipping.

Other Resources:

  • Mark Correll’s multi-part YouTube series called Gospel in the Stars.
  • (Resources to be added as feedback is received)


Why Consider The Lunar Model?

Perhaps you are wondering why we would even bother to consider the lunar model, since it has several scriptures which appear to refute it?  Well, the rapture of the church seems to possibly be tied to the Feast of Pentecost.  The rapture also seems to occur right before or during a specific blood moon sign.  This “blood moon” is described as being the “full” or “entire” moon….  Have I piqued your interest?

In our previous post of Pentecost Prophecies:

I have been fascinated by the way Peter quoted Joel 2 in Acts 2:16-21.  He specifically delivered this sermon on the first Pentecost of the Church Age.  Through this passage, I would suggest that Peter is possibly defining not only the beginning of the church age, but also its’ end.  Should we look?

Putting Peter’s sermon together:

 But this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel:

[start of church age]

17 “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams;
18 even on my male servants and female servants
in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.

[church age]

19 And I will show wonders in the heavens above
and signs on the earth below,
blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke;
20 the sun shall be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood,
before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.
21 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’

[end of church age]


I have written quite a bit about the prophetic blood moon, and the possible connection with the feast of Pentecost.  Here are some additional posts if you are interested:

The Blood Moon Sign

The Prophetic Significance of Blood Moons and How They Relate to the Rapture of the Church

Seals, Sealing, and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit

The Feasts of God – His Appointed Times

Everything You Need to Know About Pentecost, the Feast that Ties It All Together For The Church

Pentecost Part 1 – The Giving of the Law, The Giving of Grace

Pentecost Part 2 – The Feast That Marks Dispensation Changes and Birthdays

Pentecost Part 3 – Pentecost Prophecies

Pentecost Part 4 – Temples of God and the Removal of the Restrainer

Pentecost Part 5- Another Feast of Unknown Day and Hour?

Pentecost Part 6 – God’s Covenant Changes on Pentecost – It’s All About the Blood

Pentecost Part 7 – A Picture of a Pentecost Rapture in Hebrews 12

Pentecost Part 8 – Pentecost, Joel 2, and the Coming of the Day of the Lord

Pentecost Part 9 – The Trumpets and the Feasts

Pentecost Part 10 – The First Trump and the Last Trump – On Pentecost?

Pentecost Part 11 – God’s Battle Cry in the Last Trump

Pentecost Part 13 – The Resurrection on the Last Day

Pentecost Part 15 – The Day the Skies Open


3 thoughts on ““June Rapture In the Stars” – Reviewing Barry Awe’s Lunar Sabbath Model

  1. Stephanie Dawn, I’ve become more and more certain through your posts in the FB group, you were pretty darned bright. After reading this article I have to change that opinion to quite brilliant. There is no possible way for me to add to your information as it’s too complicated for me to touch. It’s early morning June 8th right now. I was the first, I’m pretty sure, to have shared Barry Awe’s similarly brilliant videos on your site. Though a bit downhearted this all didn’t come to pass, I’m thinking Jesus knew we’d NEVER figure it out this way, though we are probably very, very close. “At at time ye think not” has returned to my mind numerous times over the last couple of weeks. Fervently wanting a day to look to and hope for, I kept shoving that scripture away, after noting it. It’s truly a Blessed Hope and a great comfort to those of us watching for years for His return for us, however. I hope you and Barry and the rest all continue this study, if there’s enough time left!


    • Thank you, sweet friend! Barry did an enormous amount of work on this, which resurrected the consideration of the lunar Sabbath model. For that I am grateful! As well as TW Tramm with the Essenes calendar possibility which I had never heard presented before. Unfortunately we are still here 😉 But also fortunately we are still here to press ever in and lead others into the fold!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I was a bit sad about still being here this morning, but thought on it and decided that we KNOW we’re very close just from the signs and Jesus’ words and that deep down feeling. Calculating a date is just too iffy 2,000 years or more later with all the Earth’s changes, etc. We are very, VERY close. I’m certain. What gets me is those who’ve made videos calling Barry a false prophet and a Satanist, and the angry. hateful, mean, and rude comments I’ve seen and even replied to. They’ll regret their haughty and judgemental words. I keep my cool, knowing they just want more attention. See you soon!


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