Part 4 – The Coming Deception – An “Alien” Invasion?

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.  And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.  The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders,  and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.  Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12

The coming of the Lawless One, an antichrist figure (anti-Christ/anti-Messiah = opposing Messiah), will be accompanied with all power, false signs and wonders, and a wicked deception.  The wicked deception will come upon mankind immediately after the “Restrainer” is removed.   It will  continue to unfold throughout the time of trial on earth (Jacob’s Trouble).  The deception will be global and will be VERY convincing.  God gives permission for this activity and sends a delusion that people would believe the lie, because they refused to believe His truth.  While deception does not come from God, He will use it in order that His plans and purposes would be accomplished.

The mystery of this deception is already at work; being set up, ready to burst forth when the restraint is removed.

The Evil One

Satan, “the devil”, was once magnificent – one of the most powerful angels in heaven.  Created by God, he wanted to be a god.  He rebelled against God and took 1/3 of the angels with him (Revelation 12:3-4).  They were thrown down to the earth, and it is here that he is the present ruler (Ephesians 6:12).  Ever since the creation of mankind, he has been trying to convince us that we want to be our own gods too.  He is the father of lies, and there is no truth within him (John 8:44).  He wants nothing more than to lead as many people away from the one true God as possible.  He will use any and all means necessary!

There is a very specific period of time coming in the future known as “The Day of the Lord“.  In it, God will pour out His wrath on the earth to cleanse it from bloodguilt and prepare Israel to receive their true King (Jesus Christ).  During this cleansing period, satan will be allowed to release all his fury upon mankind as an agent of God’s wrath.  In the Day of the Lord (commonly called the “Tribulation”), satan will be granted the authority to use powers, signs, and wonders, including an apparent resurrection from the dead (Rev. 13:3).  Satan sometimes wins people over through evil, yes, but he is far more successful by pretending to to be an “angel of light” (2 Cor 11:14).

From the beginning, Satan has been trying to replicate or annul God’s work and sow seeds of confusion in mankind’s relationship with Him.  What does God want?  Relationship with humanity.  Therefore, it makes sense for satan to draw away and confuse as many as possible from the One True God.  False religion, or false doctrine mixed with some truth, has been Satan’s constant ploy.  This is why there are so many denominations and cults under the name of “Christianity” but not in other religions – satan doesn’t bother dividing his own “house” (Matt 12:25-26).

Once the true followers of Jesus Christ have been removed from the earth via the “rapture” event, the restraint on lawlessness will be removed.  Given a much freer reign, I can only imagine the darkness that will come upon the earth.  We already know from the book of Revelation that a one-world religion will develop, which will control the government and economy.  But what will this involve?

The Mystery of Lawlessness

If you follow the “mysteries of lawlessness”, you will already have heard theories about:

  • The Illuminati – the world’s elite, who have plans to usher in satan’s great deception, whether they are aware that’s what they are doing or not
  • The New World Order – preparations for a totalitarian world government
  • Extra-terrestrial Phenomenon – what we generally call “aliens” and “ufo’s”

There is no doubt in my mind that satan has been very busy behind the scenes preparing people, evidence, and propaganda for his grand scheme.  Since he has been around since the dawn of creation, he is well aware of Biblical prophecy and knows that his time is near.

My personal suspicion is that the grand deception is going to revolve around the extra-terrestrial phenomenon (although I think the antichrist and false prophet are likely to be human).  I know this sounds really “out there”.  However, this deception has been very slowly and surely developing generation by generation (the modern wave starting in 1947, at the same time that Israel was fighting to become a nation again).


Alien Deception

There has been a sharp rise in the agenda to “normalize” aliens in the last century.  “Aliens” now appear in anything space-related.  “Aliens” appear in movies, books, cartoons, video games, TV Series, toys:

There is really no end to the “alien” shows and movies portraying the deception that satan has planned.  I will describe a small handful here, and you can get an idea of what satan might try to play out:

  • Alien Covenant (2017) – The Bible foretells a “strong covenant” that Israel will partake in.  Will God renew His Abrahamic covenant with them?  Will the antichrist or his false prophet confirm a covenant with them?  Will both occur?  The Bible doesn’t rule out a supernatural prince (just as Michael the archangel is described as the prince of Daniel’s people.).  Could a covenant or treaty be signed with an “Alien” (interdimensional fallen angelic being) or Nephilim (half human half angelic)?  It seems that’s the card satan is playing with the release of Alien: Covenant, currently in theaters (June 2017). movieposter.jpg
  • Batman vs Superman (2016) – Superman is portrayed as an alien savior.  Unsealed notes that “the movie wrestles with the question “should humans fear and fight him, or worship him as a god?”   A notable quotation from the trailer is
    “Devils don’t come from hell beneath us… they come from the sky.” – Lex Luthor
    Unsealed also notes that in the antagonist’s home we prominently see a painting of the angelic War in Heaven (Revelation 12).  The painting was made just for the film (!!!!), but was based on such sources as Gustave Davore’s 1866 painting “The Fall of the Rebel Angels”.   (from, Source: 
  • Prometheus (2012) – God’s not the only one to lay out His plan before us.  Beginning and End points out that the movie Prometheus (2012) spells out part of satan’s plan to deceive humanity.  Just as Jesus is near, so, too, satan is chomping at the bit for the Restrainer to be removed.

“The movie, about a team of scientists and astronauts who go on a top-secret journey to contact an alien race, has drawn much of its inspiration from the “Alien Gospel”, also known as the “Ancient Astronaut Theory” which states that aliens at some point in the distant past, created humanity and are responsible for the advanced knowledge held by ancient civilizations. This type of theory, which is being promoted heavily in movies and television, completely denies God and helps to prepare the world for a Satanic deception. The “profound question” and “life’s ultimate mystery” in the film are specifically, where did humans come from? And the answer that Prometheus provides is that an advanced alien race came to Earth, “seeded” the planet and started the evolutionary process that led to human beings.” (Source: )Image result for prometheus

As Jeff points out on Unsealed:

As many alert, perceptive believers have noticed, the prince and ruler of this world (Jn. 14:30; Eph. 2:2) has bombarded the masses with extra-terrestrial ideas and movie plot lines driven by the usual premise—the earth is in grave danger from either an inside or outside threat; alien saviors arrive just in time to help mankind; sometimes they are good…sometimes bad. On and on it goes, through film, books, television, and, especially, video games. My goodness, the video games. Do you know what you’re children are watching/playing/absorbing and then adopting into their worldview?

Much of the world is primed now to welcome extra-terrestrial saviors. In the aftermath of the resurrection/rapture of the body of Christ, the spiritual vacuum created will open the door for desperate people to make desperate attempts at peace and security. One of the trailblazers in exposing the alien deception and sounding the alarm has been L.A. Marzulli. If you have been following him, you might have heard him say once or twice, “When we go up, they show up. When we go up, they come down” (see here). I think he’s spot on.

Before the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ to the world, there will be another unveiling…a disclosure of another sort. Contrary to the lies and anti-biblical agendas being promoted by academia, mass media, and a number of alien enthusiasts, these beings that show up to save the day will not be extra-terrestrials from another galaxy; they are inter-dimensional beings—rebellious angels who are going to be kicked out of heaven and thrown down to earth…


The only extraterrestrial life that concerns mankind is angelic in nature – fallen angels (demons), to be specific.

“Aliens” are Demonic Entities (Fallen Angels)

Angels are interdimensional beings created by God.  They are extremely intelligent, cunning, and capable of the miraculous/supernatural. They are able to shape-shift and take on various forms, including that of humans.  We are told in the Bible that many may have “entertained angels unaware” (the holy angels).  Apparently the fallen angels take on familiar forms we call “aliens”.  When people see “aliens” and “ufo’s”, they are seeing physical manifestations of the fallen angels.

We aren’t given too many details about them in the Bible, but what we do know is that there are different rankings – such as rulers, authorities, powers, and forces, and that the fallen ones occupy the “heavenly places” – Earth’s atmosphere (Ephesians 6:12).   The present abode of the fallen angels is Earth.  The unchained ones reside in our atmosphere, and the chained ones (described in the book of Jude and Revelation) are in the heart of the earth.

As far as abductions, they are none other than encounters with demonic entities, and closely parallel occult initiation practices and religious rites.  They can be stopped in the Name of Jesus.  As we get closer to the end of this age, demons are going to be allowed to further interact with humans and attempt to deceive humanity as never before.

The veil between the natural and supernatural is thinning.

The Search for Extraterrestrial Life

It certainly seems as if there has been a ramped up search for extraterrestrial life in the last few years (see the worldwide astrobiology conference March 2014) . Interestingly, the search has even infiltrated under the guise of “Christianity” through the Vatican.  Here’s a noteworthy quotation (taken from

In a May 14 interview with the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano May 14, headlined “The Extraterrestrial Is My Brother,” astronomer Jesuit Father José Gabriel Funes said that according to his “scientific judgment,” the existence of extraterrestrials is a “possibility.”  When asked how aliens could be redeemed, Father Funes referred to the Gospel parable of the lost sheep. Aliens, he speculated, could already be redeemed because they could have remained in full friendship with God, while the human race “could be precisely the lost sheep, the sinners that need the shepherd.”  But what if they were sinners like us? Father Funes replied that just as Jesus is believed to have come to save mankind, so he was sure that they, “in some way, would have the chance to enjoy God’s mercy.”


Unlike the Vatican claims, these “extraterrestrial beings” are not redeemable, nor can they redeem us.  They may try to tell us so (using extremely convincing deceptions), but in the end they will be utterly defeated by Jesus Christ.

Encounters With Demons

People have documented classes of “aliens” such as greys (typical alien “encounters”), reptilian (interesting in light of the 3 froglike demons that go out to collect humanity to fight in the battle of Armageddon – Revelation 16), and the Nordics (very tall, blond haired, light eyed human-like caucasians – also known as “Space Brothers”).

The “Nordic Aliens” are described as “Aryan”.  Wikipedia describes “Aryan” as follows:

The term “Aryan” was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blonde northern European “Aryans” who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being degraded through racial mixing with local populations…  (Source:

The “Nordic Aliens” are described as being between 6-7 feet tall.  Dr. Michael Heiser notes in his book The Unseen Realm that some of the giants in the Old Testament could possibly have been around the 6.5-7 foot mark, and not as huge as previously supposed.  Those heights are not even uncommon these days – the tallest people in the world are recorded between 7.5-8.25 feet.  We seem to be getting taller as a species, and have gained 10cm on average in the last 150 years. Interestingly, the world’s tallest countries are all clustered in Northern and Eastern Europe.  There are 5 countries where the average male height is at 6 feet (Netherlands, Montenegro, Denmark, Norway, Serbia).  These countries coincidentally fit the description of tall, blonde “Aryans”.

Did the Nephilim bloodline continue; or perhaps more pointedly – will humanity be told that this bloodline continued?  I will not even hazard a guess as to whether or not this is so, but it is a question I have pondered.

Hitler was well known for his goal of trying to establish a superior “Aryan” master race.  He is also well known for his horrific and unprecedented slaughter of God’s chosen people, the Jews. Is there a connection between Hitler (a kind of warm-up to the antichrist, who definitely was in the “spirit of antichrist” – 1 John 4:3), the “Aryan master race”, and the alleged “Nordic Aliens”?  Could they all be a part of the “spirit of lawlessness” that is even now at work (2 Thessalonians 2)?

The “Nordic alien class” I find interesting in that this idea would fit very well into the idea of “seeding the human race” – macroevolution.  Humanity might be resistant to accept the greys and reptilians, which are generally malevolent in nature.  But imagine if “friendly and benevolent” beings of light appeared such as this, claiming to have seeded the human race in the past, and claiming to be here to do so again:

Image result for nordic alien



I believe humanity has been well-primed through movies to accept human-like beings such as this as “saviors of our race”.

From Wikipedia:  Cultural historian David J. Skal wrote that early stories of Nordic-type aliens may have been partially inspired by the 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still, in which an extraterrestrial arrives on Earth to warn humanity about the dangers of atomic weapons. Bates College professor Stephanie Kelley-Romano described alien abduction beliefs as “a living myth”, and notes that, among believers, Nordic aliens “are often associated with spiritual growth and love and act as protectors for the experiencers.”

In contactee and UFOlogy literature, Nordic aliens are often described as benevolent or even “magical” beings who want to observe and communicate with humans and are concerned about the Earth’s environment or prospects for world peace. Believers also ascribe telepathic powers to Nordic aliens, and describe them as “paternal, watchful, smiling, affectionate, and youthful.” Kelley-Romano observes that “white extraterrestrials are those that are most revered” among claimants, compared to other beings like the greys, and argues that claimants may use their stories about extraterrestrials “as a means of articulating racially based fears”.

During the 1950s, many contactees, especially those in Europe, claimed encounters with beings fitting this description. Such claims became relatively less common in subsequent decades, as the grey alien supplanted the Nordic in most alleged accounts of extraterrestrial encounters.


Consider how well this deception fits in with New Age philosophy (which is not “new”, “you can be as god” started in the garden of Eden…):

New Age: The Doctrine of Evolutionary Godhood
Generally, New Age thought supports the theory of organic evolution, but extends the concept to the evolution of the spirit. This is the concept of “Evolutionary Godhood,” where the next step in evolution won’t be physical, but spiritual. The principles of evolution are constantly moving mankind toward god-consciousness, where man and reality connect in unified enlightenment. The “fittest” already understand this reality, while the “unfit” (such as Christians and other proponents of dogmatic worldviews) act as a hindrance to evolutionary forces. Many New Age practices are designed to accelerate the evolutionary push into the spiritual realms. These practices include: (i) astral projection, which is training your soul to leave your body and travel around; (ii) channeling spirits, so they may speak through you or guide you; (iii) crystal usage, which purifies the energy systems of your body and mind; and (iv) visualization techniques, which include everything from basic mental imagery to role playing of animals or divine creatures. In a nutshell, Evolutionary Godhood means that mankind will soon see itself as god. This is often referred to as the “Christ principle” or “Christ consciousness.” New Age teaches that we are basically good and inherently divine, and ultimately, we can create our own reality.


Satan is incredibly intelligent, cunning, deceptive, and persuasive.  He knows the rapture is coming, and he will have a deception in place to explain it away for those who are left behind.  God will send a powerful delusion, for humanity to fall for satan’s lies, because those left behind didn’t love His truth.

Will the rapture be explained by removing the earth of “resistance to macroevolution”, as new age proponents claim?  Will an “alien race” claim to have “seeded” humanity or life on this planet?  Will this “alien race” claim to be our “messiah” or “savior”?  It seems a lot like satan, to try to explain the beginning of life apart from the One True God, and to try and “replicate” salvation.  Satan will give humans what they believe they want, rationale of  life apart from God.

Do Not Be Deceived.

A Cosmic Battle

There IS a cosmic battle for good and evil.  Just like Hollywood tells us. Unfortunately, evil is the default position, and unless we choose to follow God we are pitted against Him.  God has allowed Satan to be the ruler of this age, of this world, for a time.  But God  does not desire for any to be deceived, and has provided a way out for all who seek Him.

As we consider the enemy’s deceptions, it’s important not to overly focus on the devil and his plans, but on God and His purposes.  It’s God who will work ALL things according to His will – satan can do nothing without God’s permission.  I highly recommend sticking to Christian sources if you choose to investigate these very occult topics.

Further Resources:

Are you CERTAIN of your Salvation, beyond a shadow of a doubt?  Do you KNOW that no matter when the rapture occurs, you will be counted worthy to escape?  If not, please read What Must I do to Be Saved.

Studying the Prophetic Keys in 2 Thessalonians 2:

  1. Part 1 – That Day Will Not Come Until…
  2. Part 2 – The Restrainer and the Restrained in 2 Thessalonians 2
  3. Part 3 – The Apostasia [Departure/Falling Away] and the Revealing of the Lawless One

Here are some Christian ministries devoted to tackling “aliens”, “ufo’s”, and the study of the paranormal as it relates to the Bible (and possibly end times deception).  Use your own judgment, I don’t personally vouch for everything on these pages:

  1. Question: “Could an alien deception be part of the end times?” (gotquestions)
  2. Question: “Are there such things as aliens or UFOs?” (gotquestions)
  3. The Return of the Nephilim, UFOs, Aliens and the Bible – Chuck Missler.  Highly recommended.
  4. Prophecy Watchers has a series of YouTube videos interviewing Tom Horn and Cris Putnam.  While I do not agree with all these authors have to say, they have done some interesting research:
    1. On the Path of the Immortals, Part 1
    2. On the Path of the Immortals, Part 2
  5. Prophecy Watchers – The Secret Alien Agenda – the Sons of God (YouTube) (Tom Horn and Cris Putnam):
    1. Part 1
    2. Part 2
    3. Part 3
    4. Part 4
  6. Vatican Alien Deception – Project Bluebeam (YouTube)
  7. The Unseen Realm – Dr. Michael Heiser – The fall of the Watchers, and their interactions with humanity, provides the explanation for why the world was so profoundly depraved and why God executed a global flood as judgment in the Days of Noah.   Understanding this helps to illuminate events in the Day of the Lord such as the beings from the abyss, the demon hordes, the false prophet, the beast, the dragon, and such.  Dr. Heiser presents his information through scripture with a strong research background.
  8. Ancient Aliens Debunked – Chris White, with Dr. Michael Heiser, does an excellent job documenting some debunking of early alien theories based on “Ancient Aliens – the Series”.  His free 3 hour documentary as well as transcripts and references can be found here:
  9. Sitchin Is Wrong – Refutes ancient astronaut theories proposed by Zecharia Sitchin.  Topics include Nibiru (Planet X), 12th Planet, Anunnaki, Nephilim, Elohim, Genesis, Sumerian Texts, PaleoBabble, Ancient Astronauts, SHU, MU Rockets, Robert Temple’s Sirius Mystery.
  10. Beginning and End has some interesting articles on the Nephilim and “Aliens”.
  11. Alien Resistance – Guy Malone has put together a website of topics related to AFOs, Aliens, Alien Abductions, and how they are connected to demonic manifestations and occult practices.  Topics include: UFO and Alien Deception, Polls on Beliefs in Aliens and UFOs (an alarming majority of the population believes aliens are real entities from other planets), Secular UFOlogy Research, Christian UFOlogy Research, Abductions Stop in the Name of Christ, False Visions and Terrifying Dreams, Deceptive Extraterrestrial Message, Bible on Extraterrestrial Life, Strong Delusion – Bible Prophecy, Stop Alien Abduction!, Testimonies of Freedom.
  12. Gotquestions – a variety of AFO & Alien & Demon Q&A –

God’s Mosaic – A Whole Scripture Overview of Things To Come

Main Menu – God’s Mosaic Prophecy Model

The Bible is infallible.  I am not.  I am merely challenging traditional models and testing them against Scripture.  I believe that traditional pretribulation teachings provide a solid backbone upon which to lay the musculature of details.  I encourage you to consider my thoughts as you also examine the scriptures to see if these things are so!

5 thoughts on “Part 4 – The Coming Deception – An “Alien” Invasion?

  1. I love the Lord Jesus christ and believe he left the holy spirit to protect and guide us. I also know He is in the miracle business .


  2. Yes you are spot on the rapture is a matter of time and that time is any day now. God bless for the insight and for being the watchman


  3. You are not alone. Well by that I mean many common Individuals are being called out by the Holy Spirit to speak of the extraterrestrial deception. Many websites are going up shinning the light of God on this massive deception plaguing the masses and infiltrating the churches of the world. The pre Invasion is already here but the Lord is sounding the Shofar of warning. Faith is no longer alone on this subject – Science, Astrophysics, and Faith combined are showing the complete truth ! One such website is but here are many more!


  4. I agree with so many points and have tried to articulate this to others but I end up sounding crazy to them. I see what they are doing in movies and to get children ready ( they already have Superman on their underwear, lunchboxes, shirts, toys etc and that’s all they talk about. I have a stepson whom I’m trying to get all those things out of his life but it has now become a crime to disallow a child to watch Disney of course. The only thing I’d like to comment on is the rapture. Please do some more research into rapture eschatology, I have recently and it seems there is a lot of deception behind it and bad people. Thanks I will share your article! Great job! God bless!


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